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Hi, I'm Divi Dave

I do awesome things

And the good news is that i am currently looking for a new job, so take a look below and see how I can help you and your business grow.


An all round top fella who is great at stuff.

Let me introduce myself  Download this free layout pack for the Divi Theme from Elegant Themes and make a yoga teacher website today. Download this layout for free on Divi Theme Examples.

Let me tell you a little more. Welcome to our new website. It’s built using the awesome Divi WordPress Theme from Elegant Themes and uses a free layout from Divi Theme Examples, which is also pretty awesome.

Welcome to our new website. It’s built using the awesome Divi WordPress Theme from Elegant Themes and uses a free layout from Divi Theme Examples, which is also pretty awesome.

Welcome to our new website. It’s built using the awesome Divi WordPress Theme from Elegant Themes and uses a free layout from Divi Theme Examples, which is also pretty awesome.


  • Making cool things and selling them
  • Fixing other peoples problems
  • Sleeping on the Job
  • Coding Websites from Scratch
  • Making Cool Things


  1. 04/17 – 06/17Divi Theme Examples
  2. 01/17 – 03/17Facebook Inc
  3. 04/16 – 06/16BBC News
  4. 01/16 – 03/16Elegant Themes Inc.
  5. 01/16 – 03/16WordPress
  6. 01/16 – 03/16Code Canyon
  7. 01/16 – 03/16Siteground
  8. 01/16 – 03/16On The Dole


1st Class Economics degree

Harvard University, 2017

50m Swimming certificate

Burnley Baths, October 2010.

Certificate 1

Night Class, London

Certificate of geekiness

Google HQ. May 2017

2nd Runner Up at whatever

Highschool, 2015

Cert 4 in Something

City College, London


Matt Cutts

Team leader and lead developer at Google Inc

Matt Cutts

Team leader and lead developer at Google Inc

Testimonials from happy former employers.

“Divi Dave was such a nice guy and hard worker I was so sad when i had to fire him for getting too drunk at the office party and throwing up over our CEO. All good things must come to and end and Dave will do well wherever he may get a job because he is totally amazeballs at everything he tries his hand at.”

“I’ll miss Divi Dave so much as he always brought a smile to my face, even if he was a bit of a slacker who prefered to sneak off for a sleep in the supplies room rather than getting on with his work. Im sure if you don’t have a supplies room you will be just fine with Dave. ”

“This testimonial was so clearly written by Dave it’s hardly worth reading, but anyhow…Dave was the best employee I have ever had and without him my business would probably have imploded into a ball of flames many years ago. Hire Dave and save your business from inevitable failure.  ”

This is why you should hire me for the job.


I'm awesome at doing these things.

This is a free Divi Layout to use in your Divi library. You can use as you like, but please don’t redistibute.


I'm awesome at doing these things.

This is a free Divi Layout to use in your Divi library. You can use as you like, but please don’t redistibute.


I'm awesome at doing these things.

This is a free Divi Layout to use in your Divi library. You can use as you like, but please don’t redistibute.


I'm awesome at doing these things.

This is a free Divi Layout to use in your Divi library. You can use as you like, but please don’t redistibute.


I'm awesome at doing these things.

This is a free Divi Layout to use in your Divi library. You can use as you like, but please don’t redistibute.

Don’t miss out. Get in touch today.

Send me a postcard

1 The Penthouse, By the beach, Miami, Florida.
The U.S of A.

Call Me

Mobile: +61 1234 56789
Skype: myusername

3 + 1 =

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